Monday, January 2, 2012


I don't want this to be a product of another hasty, and cheesy, new years resolution. I crave to form something that isn't so ephemeral. I hope, at least, that this isn't another failed project haplessly inspired by movies and my own desire to be one with the crowd; to blog, to fit-in, purely teenage desires. But I just have to see how this goes. What will happen? What will I write about? How do these everyday questions begin to vest themselves with an almost epistemological power? It's odd how these everyday activities hold so much truth. I guess this can be an introduction to me; sometimes I think in circles and arrows, shapes that crisscross at odd intersections.
Nothing happened today. I slept, till 3, and made gougères. They were worth my while. I've tried numerous times to make them, but have always failed. I'm too timid when making the pâte à choux and before I used extra-large eggs which add to much moisture. This time, however, I used a variation of David Lebovitz's recipe using gruyère and parmigiano-reggiano. They came out beautiful; crisp, yet moist on the inside, and cheesy.